Monday, May 30, 2011

Fashion/ Accessories: Nothing like a Gold Watch

This has to be a must have. And I am still working on getting one of my own. This is by no means just to tell time, its a beautiful statement. Its elegant, regal and can change your whole appearance. It's worth the spluge because it has a way of making your whole outfit look expensive. Just beautiful.


Music: Wale Wale Wale

Woah. I feel so much love in this video!!! I love that we finally get to see Wale on a more intimate level. I almost feel he we could chill in be in my livingroom. But I don't smoke...but here's just another moment that makes me want to try it (wink,wink) I only hope he sticks with the blunts and stays off the hard stuff. The lyrics really do just make you relax and forget all the bullshit. This is clear in the chourus which goes, "Lets Get High Kill These Lows/Lets get fxcked up to the bone/ Blowing Trees Yeah We Do The Damn Thing All The Weekend Weekend". Usually I am not into such partying but when watching the video it was so chill and relaxed. It was the same feeling when I went to the wiz concert ...people were smoking, everyone was nice and vibining with eachother. Anyway I have loved Wale for a long time and I can't wait for the album. I hope he doesn't his way. Great Soulful Music.


Misc. Larissa's Must Haves... for now..

The H&M bra... could it be, yes it holds it own against Victoria's Secret and it is affordable while being affordable. I have gotten to the point where all my bras are from H&M and VS is reserved for panties only and perhaps pink products. I love it, its a must have... don't believe try it ...before going to Victoria's Secret. (Good especially if your smaller on top..:) )

A bottle of OPI Nail Polish, is sooooo necessary, although black is not in season, that's my personal favorite, and no girl should without having black nail polish... especially if going for the crackle trend, black and compliment any other color.
color -eccentric 


Ok, Christian Louboutin has blessed us with lots of strappy platform sandels, hey these are just examples ... unless your a baller ..go for it. These are perfect for summer and can make any cute outfit sexy... jeans, shorts or dress no problem.

P.S. the perfect undergarments, bright nail polish and these shoes together... will get you far ... ;)
 - Larissa ..mwa

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fashion: Ed Hardy

I thought that this brand would be a temporary sort of thing. I thought this looks ridiculous… but hey some people still insist on wearing these god awful t-shirts. In fact I have a theory that if a guy wears Ed hardy, he’s a jerk. Simple as that, and 98% of the time this proves to be right. Yes I will turn down a guy based on the sheer fact that he is wearing Ed Hardy. Sure say my priorities are mixed up, but isn't it crazy that Jersey Shore made this thing even more popular …so um let’s not talk about priorities. Basically the stuff is ugly, over-priced, trashy , and well you get the point I hope. What good things could Ed hardy apparel possibly say about anybody? Smh


Men: He Can Get It If ...

So perfume and cologne are not like my major specialty, but I do know that when flipping through People magazine I came across something that made think, he can get it ;) Which is the new Yves Saint Laurent Fragrance titled, La Nuit De L’Homme. It basically smells like a man I would want to be with. Figures their tag is, A story of seduction and bold sensuality, bright masculine freshness combined with sophistication …in others he can get it. It contains the scent of lavender, cedar, cardamom, bergamot, coumarin, and vetiver. It is a little pricey… but hey we think it’s worth it.        

Beauty: False eyelashes

Now, I understand why women wear them. Really, I do. No, I don’t wear them myself, but I get it. To have fuller thicker lashes. To make frame your eyes better and all that jazz. Understood. And I also realize that the extravagant ones are used to look dramatic and high end. But theses… a bow on your eye lashes…that just seems a bit much. Maybe I’m too critical of fashion and trends but this specific style which even made it into Glamour magazine, (unless it’s Halloween) has got to go.



Where to begin? I know this isn’t new are anything, but this song is just that great… and surprising speaks to me on a whole other level. Although this song is about a man’s plight to get in your pants…I actually see it as something more. Too many people are ambiguous, not only girls but guys to. We are hardly straight forward with what we want…it’s always some sort of game. I wish guys would just tell me the deal, are we gonna chill? Do more than that…. Are we just friends? There is nothing worse than getting dressed up only to go out and be let down…because the other person doesn’t know what the hell they want to do. Are does …and didn’t let you in on it.
But anyway the song is funny and pretty cool to watch as Jenny pointed out to me. The chorus goes, “She loves me, she loves me not. I can’t tell if she’s down or not. Oh you like me, what the hell does that mean ?” I understand this may be frustrating for guys when trying to close the deal… but guys have done the same to us in an effort to keep their options open. Lame. Our favorite line is, “Tryin’ to stick around like wifey, but I send her home in my white tee” Woah. Big Sean’s swag and snapback (hahaha) make this line that much better. Girls should just know what they are getting in to. As Clinton Sparks would say in the beginning of this video, “I know you didn’t come to my room at 4 in the morning to watch a movie”. Well overall…good song, funny video, and truth behind it.


Music: Beyoncé - Run The World (Girls)

Well it must have taken days to film this video with all the custom changes that she has throughout the video.  That yellow dress with the 2 splits down the sides was the worst of them all. I mean…Why?

I was surprised that there were actually lyrics to be honest. Thought it was mostly chorus, and to be honest it pretty much is. I didn’t exactly enjoy the video. It was interesting but I wouldn’t bother watching it again.

Well Jenny can be so harsh. I love Beyonce…but I am not in love with her, so I have no problem calling her out on so many things, like her tacki taste which she probably got from her mother, as well as her all about me attitude but anyway the point here is the video. It didn’t blow me away either, but I did enjoy a lot of the fierce accessories. I also really liked the choreography minus the part where she is in the green dress doing what I swear is the stanky leg… I swear it is. And the yellow dress I agree was horrible. But hey she herself looked sexy the whole time…and delivered a catchy song that has major girl power! All in all it didn’t make me say seriously? Just ok…that’s cool, shoulder shrug.   
- Jenny&Larissa 

Jenny’s Thoughts
I don’t understand most fashion trends but this one’s really got me puzzled. It’s definitely a seriously in our book. I mean.. I understand the top half, that parts fine. But the platform…Why? Just why would you do that.  High fashion tries a little too hard sometimes. And thinking outside the box definitely wasn’t working for this one. And the color combinations? No, just no.

 Larissa’s Thoughts
Now me and Jenny don’t have the same style in fashion, and I can only hope that I make it in the fashion industry one day, and as much as I support creativity and difference I can not approve of this…at all. Prada has released this shoe in their spring/summer 2011 collection.  Am I truly supposed to run around New York in these things on a scorching hot day…Am I missing something? Do I just not get it? This started to catch my attention because I saw these shoes used in two different spreads in W magazine, the true bible of high editorial fashion and in Elle Magazine as well another one of my favorites. The shoe is clunky and not flattering to a woman, as a stylist in training I can’t imagine how I would style around this shoe. I love a good pair of oxfords on a women but this sneaker add-on thing has me majorly confused.  I guess this is one of those things that you just pass right to Lady Gaga, and say handle that for me.

Entertainment: Something Borrowed

Something borrowed is based on the book written by Emily Griffin. It tells the story of Rachel who falls for Dexter, who is engaged to Darcy (her long term bestfriend) aka the bitch. It’s really a typical romantic comedy. The cinematography, like the plot line is nothing out of the ordinary. However the cast seems to have a wonderful dynamic the blends on screen beautifully.

Spoiler alert!
So, being that this is a typical Rom-com, why bother reviewing it? Well its not every day that you walk out of a movie completely mind fucked by a romantic comedy!  There’s nothing unusual about hopping a non canon relationship is united on screen however we found ourselves screaming when Ethan (played by John Krasinski) Rachel’s male best friend, admitted to loving her. This was probably the most memorable scene in the whole movie. (I know I teared up.) You see, we actually thought that for once the good guy would get the girl. I mean, there she is saying that she’s no one’s first choice. Then Ethan tells her she’s his first choice. Can you saw “Aww”?

This may be a biased opinion (but then again, what opinion isn’t?) but Kransinski looks absolutely wonderful in plaid. (Yes, he can get it.) There was only one scene in which we noticed him wearing something else. This really made me think… can I date a guy who doesn’t own a plaid shirt? Sure, plaid use to be considered lower class, for farmers and such, but now a day it isn’t. It’s now a trend. Withier it be plaid from American Eagle or Old Navy it remains a attractive pattern (On shirts and boxers only- not pants) on the male population.

Not that Dexter, played by the very attractive Colin Egglesfield  isn’t the “good guy” but we didn’t find ourselves rooting for him. He had many chances throughout the movie to make things right and set the record straight but didn’t. Of course, this is only fiction, but that doesn’t stop us from having our favorite, which as if it wasn’t obvious, was Ethan.

Once the credits started rolling we stepped out of the theater, but the movie theater’s staff told us to go back for an extra clip. Essentially it consists of Darcy looking very very pregnant yelling for Ethan’s attention in London where he moved to in the end. This was followed by a “To be continued.”

According to an online source there may be a sequel “Something Blue” Which tells the story of Darcy and Ethan. All we have to say is…NO! Darcy’s character does not deserve Ethan, the perfect guy!
I of course agree with everything Jenny just spoke on. I really loved this movie despite the fact that things didn’t quite go the way I wanted. This movie made me really think about being a woman and how we let the male population treat us, and trick us into thinking absurdly. I am the biggest punk in the world so I can relate to Rachel never telling Dex how she feels. She really shows her weakness when she prolongs an affair with Dex, deceiving her best friend very blatantly. One might say it is justified because she met Dex first and built a deep connection and all her life Darcy has taken advantage of her good friendship. But still…two wrongs don’t make a right. I had wonder would I ever fall into same the trap? I would say no, but there is nothing like being in that actual position. In real life Rachel would have moved on and bit her tongue, but in rom-com’s it’s only fair that everything we wish we could do or say, happens. I would recommend this movie to anybody, not just the girly-girls, it’s funny while bringing up some serious issues, like why we never want the ones that truly love us and want us as their first choice? And what is the strength of true friendship? My only problems, well Dex lacked major personality, maybe this is because the actor who played him has spent most of his career as a male model, but this was a great effort for his first big feature film. Otherwise I can’t really complain. It’s one for the history books…why? Because it’s one of the those movies you can’t not react to and that says something.      

Entertainment: Kim Kardashian

I’m sure you already know this but Kim Kardashian is engaged to Kris Humphries a New Jersey Nets forward. He proposed on May 18 surprising her in with candles and rose petals that spelled out “Will you marry me?” in Beverly Hills home off camera. She claims to be shocked and surprised. That may be so, considering that they’ve only been dating since November.  All that is nice and romantic, but what do we really care about?

The ring.
It’s a whopping 20.5 carats. Humphries wanted a custom design for his women. His only a requirement was for it to be a big ring and well… can it really get much bigger? Let’s hope he’s not trying to compensate.

But interestingly enough… when doing our research we noticed that during Kim’s time with former boyfriend
Reggie Bush, she brought herself a engagement ring …without well being engaged. Why is this relevant? Well the ring looks exactly the same! Ok, so maybe this her dream ring design, but still wouldn’t you want something a bit different in your next relationship? We can’t really judge ...but we were a little confused by this.

Moving on, but the pair won’t be enjoying engagement bliss, they want a summer wedding. This should be no problem considering Khole’s was planned in a matter of days. Kim states in People magazine that she would like to start a family as soon as next year. The pictures published along with the article all about this in People magazine (we couldn't find the exact photo) made us question… Isn’t that a little too soon Kim? Or are you rushing for a reason? Maybe a baby on the way? I guess only time will tell.


Misc. Food: Big Daddy’s

The Actual food…

First and foremost their milkshakes are amazing! Super thick and well…yum.
Out of the few items off the menu that we’ve tried a personal favorite has got to be the Ma’s Mac n  3 cheese. (Jenny’s favorite!) DO NOT GET A LARGE UNLESS YOUR SHARING! I could barley finish a small. I never thought I’d say it but it was too much cheese. The burgers are pretty big as well, so I guess it’s fair to say that there portions are pretty large in general. Breakfast is served anytime… being in college I have had my fair share of pancake dinners. Another favorite has got to be the Super Chocolate Fudge Triple Layer Cake (can you say that three times fast lol)…Beautiful in every sense of the word!

The Actual place…

The atmosphere is really chill and laid back. Its kid friendly (you can have birthday parties with a clown and magic tricks.) But at the same time it’s a very cute date spot. It’s decorated with a pop culture theme very retro and colorful. There are even trivia cards on the table to play while you wait. The staff is pretty nice as well. (And they have free wifi you techy nerds!)

They are located right off of union square as well as the upper eastside and the upper Westside. The price point is moderate ranging from 10 to 15 bucks for an entrĂ©e. But remember portions are large so it’s worth it…and you can share. In addition, appetizers are also very generous and start at around 7 bucks…desserts and milkshakes are usually the same price.

 Can it get any better? Why yes it can, because if you go there now you can take part in the Big Daddy Loyalty Club Get More Offer. This is a card which is marked each time to go and on the 10th time you get a free entrĂ©e…trust me you’ll make it there 10 timesJ

For more information and a full menu go to:

Love Rissa&Jenny 

P.S we are not being sponsored … they are just that good!

Misc: What's in my bag? pt.2

Misc. Whats in my bag? Pt.2
Ok so my bag is always close to 100 pounds, and yes it is my own fault. But hey I am always prepared… for any plan I have.
Holliester Shorts: incase I need to change
Forever21: crop tank.. I just love this shirt
Old Navy print scarf: I can’t do anything unless I have a scarf
Phone Charger: Never leave home without it people
Nine West Wallet: if your over a certain age you need a professional wallet…
Planner and Pen: Because I like to plan shit …
Chewy Bar: yum
Keys: not fun times without them
Comb: ….need
Toothbrush& Toothpaste:…need
MAC mascara: Love it…
Urban Decay Blush: good stuff
Strawberry Lip Balm: highly addictive and necessary
Tampons: even when not needed I might be with someone who does… look out for your girls ;)
Deodorant: because sometimes once in the morning just isn’t enough
Cocoa Butter: highly necessary
Make Up Brushes… for the blush and whatever I carry that day. 


Misc: What's in my bag? pt.1

Many beauty gurus on youtube do this tag so we figured why not?
Here’s part one of whats in my Bag: Jenny edition...

Glasses: Pretty self explanatory. I don’t always use them but its nice to have them on hand.
Sun glasses: Because its sunny sometimes!
Small wallet: ID, debit and metro card. All the essentials
Bigger wallet: For the less important cards that I never use but still have. It also has my vending machine change in it!
Water bottle: You just never know when you’ll get thirsty!
Midol: …Need I say more?
Pads: Yeah…just yeah.
Gum: Essential!
iPod: Lonely train rides
Umbrella: I never check the weather.
Hand sanitizer: Because I don’t usually have tissues, un prepared!
Snackage: Because I always need some type of food/ or candy on me.
Keys: I need to get inside my house
Cream &Perfume: ... necessary!
Pen: In case I run into princes charming and my phones dead.

I have a million purse and I switch stuff out of them all the time therefore I’m missing a few items such as a cardigan (because its dressed up any outfit and is perfect for work) and chapstick!
Also my phones, but that’s usually in my jacket pocket.

Music: Return Of Simba

Here at SeriouslyWoah we absolutely LOVE J.COLE. This is a great song and I am so glad he released it because, his last release, disgusting ... was well in my eyes not so good. I thought he can do better, and he did. He is one of the best out and this song made me say Woah...i love you. It is so clear that he is passionate about music, life and the dream. So yeah j. cole is the truth , "my president is black, but my jeweler still jewish" is just one of the strong lines in the song. Not to mention "i only make classics, now what that take timing, cole under pressure, what that make diamonds" is the last line of the song ... clever or perheps genius.

Beauty: Crackle Nail Polish

Back in the 90’s Cover Girl along with other brands tried to sell us Crackle Nail Polish. It seems that it didn’t do so well because it was soon discontinued. However now OPI along with many others leading brands are bringing it back and I must say I love this trend. The concept is simple: you paint your nails a base color, let them dry. then put on a thin layer of the crackle polish, whatever color that may be. The top layer will crack up while it dries leaving for a unique abstract nail art design. A few color combinations that I’m currently loving for this look involve bright summer colors liked aqua blue  or neon pink paired with white crackle
polish for that extra pop. This is definitely a Woah…where can I get some?

Fashion: Uggs-__-

Ugg’s… where do I begin. I have never been a van of ugg’s, and I can personally say that I even tried it! Yes they are comfortable, but I can’t say I think uggs will ever truly be fashionable, no matter how embellished or reconstructed. The brand has been branching out over the last few years with, snow and rain boots, and sandals. So why are girls still clinging to these huge frumpy, furry hot boots, especially in the SUMMER TIME. It looks stupid in 80 degree weather with short shorts on. I guess I blame celebrities for this trend that simply won’t die. Because I haven’t seen any ugg ads that even suggest for them to be worn in the way they are. In addition, here in New York City when you see a girl like that, all you can picture is a spoiled brat with a bad long island accent. Seriously?...

Music: The Lonely Island

SNL has been bring us entertainment for years now, however nothing like The Lonely Island. The first popular song was I’m On a Boat ft. T pain. They continued with songs like Jizz In my Pants, The Creep ft. Nicki Minaj & John Waters (which has been view over 25 million,) I Just Had Sex ft. Akon and 3 Way (The Golden Rules) ft. Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake (video above)and much more.

Lonely Island continues captivate us with their ridiculous lyrics like “It’s OK to put us in a three-way/ It’s not gay when it’s in a three-way/ With a honey in the middle there’s some leeway/ The area’s grey in a one, two three-way” These songs even made it to iTunes along with their very own Vevo channel. With the use of main stream artist, catchy hooks the parody like songs Lonely Island songs are becoming legit; song's that will actually makes it to your ipod. Don’t lie.


Men: He Can Get It If….

There are many things that compliment a man’s swag… and we have to admit there are certain things that make us well … do a double take, and say he can get it lol. Snapbacks. Yes I know how typical right, but I can’t help it, sometimes the hat makes the outfit. Especially if it’s retro, it just say, I care about how I look, I have swag and I put effort into finding this hat and advancing my style. Now trust me just cuz your man owns a few snapbacks doesn’t mean he is swagged out, there are many other components. But I just have to say it’s hot … Woah.

Fashion: Coach Poppy Collection

I'm all for expanding, I really am. I mean shoes and wallets, go for it. But do not change your demographics and compromise the integrity of your product.  I know that the economy sucks right now, and yeah maybe you’re losing a bit of money, but lowering the standards that started the company back 1941 (as they like to remind us all) for 2011 is ridiculous! I know fashion is ever changing but somehow they’ve managed to keep up with the latest trends before. What happened?

I’m walking down the street and seeing a 12 year old flaunting a Coach bag….First off she doesn’t need it. A 12 year old should not own a high end bag in general. What is she going to put in there? Her Nintendo DS and Justin Bieber inspired nail polish? No, do not spoil your kid’s people.  Secondly, Coach is not for kids. All this flashy colorful fluff in the Poppy collection is just degrading. And they have a perfume to go along with it? No, just no.

Coach, your new collection does not gets a Woah. It’s definitely a Seriously?!


Fashion: Neon Rush & Color Blocking

Ok, I am a fan of bright colors, I loved having the 96 Crayola color crayon set, just so I had every shade… back in my grade school days … even now I’m a sucker for a good set of Prismacolor markers. But here we are talking about wardrobe, it is clear that this trend is taking off. And might be here for a while, considering that many fashion labels are planning on having a 2012 line that consist of eye popping shades. Although I can’t say this trend may be for every body shape or personality, a pop of color is always nice, but should I need my shades on just to look your way? Well at the end of it all I approve, and when done right, it could be a woah moment. I would stress not to get too carried with this. Oh, and last but not least, color blocking is your friend but be careful of the mix of colors you’re using, think contrast but complimentary at the same time ….beware of the primaries that often leave you looking like a holiday decoration.     