Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fashion: Coach Poppy Collection

I'm all for expanding, I really am. I mean shoes and wallets, go for it. But do not change your demographics and compromise the integrity of your product.  I know that the economy sucks right now, and yeah maybe you’re losing a bit of money, but lowering the standards that started the company back 1941 (as they like to remind us all) for 2011 is ridiculous! I know fashion is ever changing but somehow they’ve managed to keep up with the latest trends before. What happened?

I’m walking down the street and seeing a 12 year old flaunting a Coach bag….First off she doesn’t need it. A 12 year old should not own a high end bag in general. What is she going to put in there? Her Nintendo DS and Justin Bieber inspired nail polish? No, do not spoil your kid’s people.  Secondly, Coach is not for kids. All this flashy colorful fluff in the Poppy collection is just degrading. And they have a perfume to go along with it? No, just no.

Coach, your new collection does not gets a Woah. It’s definitely a Seriously?!


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