Sunday, May 29, 2011

Entertainment: Something Borrowed

Something borrowed is based on the book written by Emily Griffin. It tells the story of Rachel who falls for Dexter, who is engaged to Darcy (her long term bestfriend) aka the bitch. It’s really a typical romantic comedy. The cinematography, like the plot line is nothing out of the ordinary. However the cast seems to have a wonderful dynamic the blends on screen beautifully.

Spoiler alert!
So, being that this is a typical Rom-com, why bother reviewing it? Well its not every day that you walk out of a movie completely mind fucked by a romantic comedy!  There’s nothing unusual about hopping a non canon relationship is united on screen however we found ourselves screaming when Ethan (played by John Krasinski) Rachel’s male best friend, admitted to loving her. This was probably the most memorable scene in the whole movie. (I know I teared up.) You see, we actually thought that for once the good guy would get the girl. I mean, there she is saying that she’s no one’s first choice. Then Ethan tells her she’s his first choice. Can you saw “Aww”?

This may be a biased opinion (but then again, what opinion isn’t?) but Kransinski looks absolutely wonderful in plaid. (Yes, he can get it.) There was only one scene in which we noticed him wearing something else. This really made me think… can I date a guy who doesn’t own a plaid shirt? Sure, plaid use to be considered lower class, for farmers and such, but now a day it isn’t. It’s now a trend. Withier it be plaid from American Eagle or Old Navy it remains a attractive pattern (On shirts and boxers only- not pants) on the male population.

Not that Dexter, played by the very attractive Colin Egglesfield  isn’t the “good guy” but we didn’t find ourselves rooting for him. He had many chances throughout the movie to make things right and set the record straight but didn’t. Of course, this is only fiction, but that doesn’t stop us from having our favorite, which as if it wasn’t obvious, was Ethan.

Once the credits started rolling we stepped out of the theater, but the movie theater’s staff told us to go back for an extra clip. Essentially it consists of Darcy looking very very pregnant yelling for Ethan’s attention in London where he moved to in the end. This was followed by a “To be continued.”

According to an online source there may be a sequel “Something Blue” Which tells the story of Darcy and Ethan. All we have to say is…NO! Darcy’s character does not deserve Ethan, the perfect guy!
I of course agree with everything Jenny just spoke on. I really loved this movie despite the fact that things didn’t quite go the way I wanted. This movie made me really think about being a woman and how we let the male population treat us, and trick us into thinking absurdly. I am the biggest punk in the world so I can relate to Rachel never telling Dex how she feels. She really shows her weakness when she prolongs an affair with Dex, deceiving her best friend very blatantly. One might say it is justified because she met Dex first and built a deep connection and all her life Darcy has taken advantage of her good friendship. But still…two wrongs don’t make a right. I had wonder would I ever fall into same the trap? I would say no, but there is nothing like being in that actual position. In real life Rachel would have moved on and bit her tongue, but in rom-com’s it’s only fair that everything we wish we could do or say, happens. I would recommend this movie to anybody, not just the girly-girls, it’s funny while bringing up some serious issues, like why we never want the ones that truly love us and want us as their first choice? And what is the strength of true friendship? My only problems, well Dex lacked major personality, maybe this is because the actor who played him has spent most of his career as a male model, but this was a great effort for his first big feature film. Otherwise I can’t really complain. It’s one for the history books…why? Because it’s one of the those movies you can’t not react to and that says something.      

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