Sunday, May 29, 2011

Misc: What's in my bag? pt.1

Many beauty gurus on youtube do this tag so we figured why not?
Here’s part one of whats in my Bag: Jenny edition...

Glasses: Pretty self explanatory. I don’t always use them but its nice to have them on hand.
Sun glasses: Because its sunny sometimes!
Small wallet: ID, debit and metro card. All the essentials
Bigger wallet: For the less important cards that I never use but still have. It also has my vending machine change in it!
Water bottle: You just never know when you’ll get thirsty!
Midol: …Need I say more?
Pads: Yeah…just yeah.
Gum: Essential!
iPod: Lonely train rides
Umbrella: I never check the weather.
Hand sanitizer: Because I don’t usually have tissues, un prepared!
Snackage: Because I always need some type of food/ or candy on me.
Keys: I need to get inside my house
Cream &Perfume: ... necessary!
Pen: In case I run into princes charming and my phones dead.

I have a million purse and I switch stuff out of them all the time therefore I’m missing a few items such as a cardigan (because its dressed up any outfit and is perfect for work) and chapstick!
Also my phones, but that’s usually in my jacket pocket.

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