Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jenny’s Thoughts
I don’t understand most fashion trends but this one’s really got me puzzled. It’s definitely a seriously in our book. I mean.. I understand the top half, that parts fine. But the platform…Why? Just why would you do that.  High fashion tries a little too hard sometimes. And thinking outside the box definitely wasn’t working for this one. And the color combinations? No, just no.

 Larissa’s Thoughts
Now me and Jenny don’t have the same style in fashion, and I can only hope that I make it in the fashion industry one day, and as much as I support creativity and difference I can not approve of this…at all. Prada has released this shoe in their spring/summer 2011 collection.  Am I truly supposed to run around New York in these things on a scorching hot day…Am I missing something? Do I just not get it? This started to catch my attention because I saw these shoes used in two different spreads in W magazine, the true bible of high editorial fashion and in Elle Magazine as well another one of my favorites. The shoe is clunky and not flattering to a woman, as a stylist in training I can’t imagine how I would style around this shoe. I love a good pair of oxfords on a women but this sneaker add-on thing has me majorly confused.  I guess this is one of those things that you just pass right to Lady Gaga, and say handle that for me.

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