Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fashion: Ed Hardy

I thought that this brand would be a temporary sort of thing. I thought this looks ridiculous… but hey some people still insist on wearing these god awful t-shirts. In fact I have a theory that if a guy wears Ed hardy, he’s a jerk. Simple as that, and 98% of the time this proves to be right. Yes I will turn down a guy based on the sheer fact that he is wearing Ed Hardy. Sure say my priorities are mixed up, but isn't it crazy that Jersey Shore made this thing even more popular …so um let’s not talk about priorities. Basically the stuff is ugly, over-priced, trashy , and well you get the point I hope. What good things could Ed hardy apparel possibly say about anybody? Smh



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Seriously!!! What is up with this brand? Personally, it scares me and when I see small children in it, I'm shocked! Maybe this brand helps people with that "ooh I want a tattoo" phase you know? Allows them to have "sleeves" that they can take off! Who knows!
